Genre: | Politics |
Language: | Nepali |
Paperback | |
Origin: | Nepal |
ISBN13: | 9789937712569 |
ISBN10: | 9937712564 |
Pages: | 644 |
Weight: | 450 g |
Published: | January 19, 2014 |
Edition: | 1 |
This book also unfolds as to how Article 370 was enacted for the ego problem of Sheikh Abdullah by Jawaharlal Nehru and how Sheikh betrayed him later and was arrested for treason by IB. There had been numerous stories criticizing IB for its failure to provide adequate intelligence during the 1962 War with China and 1965 War with Pakistan. This book has given credible instances and information which indicate that there was no civil intelligence failure but the army bosses failed to use the inputs in the forward areas. Factual details as to how CIA hoodwinked the R&AW Joint Secretary Rabinder Singh and took him to USA through Nepal are also given in a separate chapter.
नेपालको मधेशलाई ‘स्वायत्त प्रदेश' बनाउँदै भारतमा विलय गराउन भारतीय गुप्तचर संस्था 'रअ'ले कहिलेदेखि कस्ता कस्ता रणनीति अपनाउँदै आएको छ ? मधेशवादी दलहरूको झण्डा ‘तिरङ्गा'सँग हुबहु मिल्नु र डा. सिके राउतले स्वतन्त्र मधेशका कुरा उछाल्नुका पछाडि कसको भूमिका छ ? नेपाली राजनीतिमा 'रअ'को हस्तक्षेप कुन हदसम्मको छ ?
'रअ'का वरिष्ठ तहका पूर्वकर्मचारीद्वारा लेखिएको यो पुस्तकले माथिका सबै प्रश्नको आश्चर्यजनक उत्तर दिने छ। साथै, तिब्बतको मामिलालाई लिएर भएको चीनसँगको युद्ध, कश्मीरको विषयमा भइरहने पाकिस्तानसँगको कलह, बङ्गलादेशको स्वतन्त्रता, सिक्किमको विलय आदिमा 'रअ'को रणनीति कस्तो थियो भन्ने विषयमा यसले छर्लङ्ग बनाउने छ ।
हामी नेपालीको सार्वभौमसत्ता कसको निगाहमा, कसरी टिकेको छ भन्ने कुरा प्रष्ट थाहा दिने योभन्दा जानकारीमूलक पुस्तक अर्को हुनै सक्दैन ।