A lost Love's front cover

A lost Love A Qualitative Auto-ethnographic Research Story

A lost Love's front coverA lost Love's back cover


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From the backcover

Crying creates pain to the dead. It is the understanding of Garuda Puran. Heavy heart gets light after crying Western psychologists argue this way. Our learning lies in between them. Relatives, kin and friends add ghee to the fire. While crying - they ask, being learned person why did you cry on the name of dead person. At laughing - they reversely ask how insensitive you are, you don't cry at loved ones loss. While extending condolences - they say this is the case with us as well, the same is our path, it is sooner or later. While consoling - they say, my loved ones also passed away in the same way as that of yours. The rites and rituals on the name of the dead person buy the time in itself to console heart and mind of the bereaved family. Philosophy teaches cyclic theory. It says, death is to birth and birth is to death. It also says the fact of the life is the death. In this very way, everyone internalise the fact that physical, mental and cternal body live side by side with life. It also says that cternal body exists even after the physical death of a person.
The preachers preach that eternal body lives even after the decay of mental body. They teach that life cycle completes only after the assimilation of cternal soul into the spiritual soul. For them it is the assimilation of prakriti and purush - nature and male. The Veclic and Buddhist way of understanding comply here. Their common voice is that unless there is mental body, life and death continue. The present book came up with the sudden loss of writer's son and it ends teaching philosophy. In the same philosophy, his life boat is rowing-being one in many. Being many in one.
 Dr. Bidya Nath Koirala


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