Indian Superfoods

Indian Superfoods

Rs 468
Genre:Fitness & Diet
Language : English
Published: May 31, 2016
Dimensions:5.12 x 7.87 x 0.79 inches
Weight:158.76 g

About the Book

Statistics prove that less than 20 per cent people are successful in keeping the weight off after they have lost it. Not just numbers but your experience will tell you that it s easy to knock the weight off but tough to keep it off . It seems to find a way back to your body, climbs into places where fat never existed and this time stays like it means to stay forever. Nothing, however crash, latest or expensive seems to knock it off . Into this mix comes the superfood a food item that promises a miracle and often comes from somewhere exotic. Acacia seeds, goji berries, kale the world seems to discover a superfood every week. There s so much talk about them in the press that the word itself seems to have no meaning. What s a superfood then really, do they even exist. This books address's those questions and more.