Himalayan Children's front cover

Himalayan Children Growing Up in Sikkim, Nepal, and Pakistan (1970-2014)

Rs 4000
Language: English

About the Book

Himalayan Children gives an insight view about the fascinating world of children from Nepal, Sikkim, and Pakistan. These children though have common dreams, they grow up in different culture, environment. Fritz Berger, a well-known photographer has captured delight and troubles of kids in this picture taken since 1973in a very respectful manner. Fritz took must of these photos while working several years in Nepal in the 1970s and inthe northern Pakistan in the 1980s. Married to a lady from Bhutia Ethnic community in Sikkim in 1980, he has visited India many times. 

"I advise everyone interested in the study of children and the people living in the HImalayan region to enjoy this original piece of work that is vibrant with creative imagination and skills." 
Dr. Ramesh Kant Adhikari
Professor in Child Health, KAthmandu Medical College