Chanakya Niti's front cover

Chanakya Niti Verses on Life and Living


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About the Book

Chanakya's numerous sayings on life and living -- popularized in the wake of his successful strategy to put Chandragupta Maurya on the throne, if legend is to be believed -- have been compiled in numerous collections and anthologies over time. This entire corpus was referred to as Chanakya Niti.
These aphorisms, which continue to be recalled and quoted in many parts of India, primarily deal with everyday living: with family and social surroundings, friends and enemies, wealth and knowledge, and the inevitable end of everything. They also advise on the good and bad in life, proper and improper conduct, and how to manage many difficult situations.
A.N.D. Haksar's wonderful translation also places this work into context, showing how these verses have endured in the popular imagination for so long.

All Editions

Paperback, 2nd Edition
ISBN13: 9780143444657
Penguin Classics, 2020

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