राधा पौडेल (जन्म: वि.सं. २०३०) नेपालकी एक महिला साहित्यकार हुन् । खलंङ्गामा हमला-एउटी नर्सको डायरी कृतिको लागि उनलाई विसं २०७१ मा मदन पुरस्कार प्रदान गरिएको थियो ।खलङ्गामा हमला उनको पहिलो कृति हो । उनको मुख्य पेशा नर्सिङ हो । आफुले भोगेका, देखेका कुरा डायरीमा टिपोट गर्ने उनको बानीले नै उनलाई लेखक बनाएको हो । कामका सिलसिलामा खलङ्गा पुगेकी उनले द्धन्द्धकालका नमीठा घट्नासँग पनि सामना गर्नुपर्यो । यो कृति खलङ्गा हमलाकै दस्तावेज हो ।
Radha Paudel was born in Mangalpur and raised in Gauriganj, Chitwan, Nepal. Her childhood experiences of discrimination, abuse, and violence encouraged her to speak in support of gender justice through her position as a humanitarian activist, nurse, and writer. She has survived years of menstrual restriction, abuse, violences and war. She dedicates her time to be a voice for those who have been silenced their entire lives, especially young girls and women in Nepal. Radha Paudel employs the three E’s (Education, Empower, and Emancipate) visibly through her work.