Universal Thoughts for Superb Living's front cover
Universal Thoughts for Superb Living's front coverUniversal Thoughts for Superb Living's back cover

Universal Thoughts for Superb Living Supreme Wisdom for Those Who Want to be Superb

Rs 350
Genre:Advice On Careers & Achieving Success
Language: English

From the backcover

I have found the ideas and concepts presented here to be useful to anybody who wishes to have superb living. Several topics given here can be new messages, new concepts and novel thoughts for the world itself. The message of being good and not necessarily successful is important for today's world and adequate references to this aspect exist here.

-Dr. Swami Prapannacharya, Mrigsthali, Nepal

While going though these strings of short paragraphs that have proceeded addressing the religio-spiritual, ethical, cultural, social political, economic and all other aspects that carry an inspiring message that can awaken the determination to heighten the collective feeling of the universal welfare, free from prejudice against any particularism, sect, nation, race, class and sex, I feel that these can also develop as the sources of special awakening that can start up a campaign of the consciousness of reform of international standard at the universal level.

- Acharya Khemraj Keshav Sharan, Kathmandu, Nepal

I am confident that Dr. Govinda Tandon's Universal Thoughts for Superb Living prepared in a new and original form by encompassing diverse aspects of an entire life including the yogas of action, devotion and knowledge with the best wishes that human values and ideals may blossom and flower into the hearts of every individual and the world may really become a place where can be had the heavenly bliss, can prove to be valuable and superb for everybody. It is and can be an unparallel gift to the world from Nepal.

- Prof. Shivagopal Risal, Lalitpur, Nepal

This book is a synthesis of thoughts expressed in various schools of philosophy. The foremat and presentation are easy to follow. It is especially good for promoting peace and understanding in today's conflict-ridden world.

-Swami Avadhutananda, Mumbai, India

This incredible book Universal Thoughts for Superb living of Dr. Govinda Tandon reflects on the supreme life and shows you an eternal way for superb living. It guides you to deal with this abject world, where most of us have already forgotten the moral values of the humanity and charisma of supreme life. This book shows that there are still many possibilities to make the world meaningful and an individual become a superb self after maintaining the “Satwic' ways of life. In fact an awe-inspiring ideas and thoughts have come differently. It is really outstanding and well-designed for all.

-Prof. Johnna Maria Theile, University of Chile, Chile

Dr. Govinda Tandon is a prestigious and dedicated personality in the sphere of religion, spirituality, social services, animal rights and culture as well as in the field of heritage conservation in Nepal.