The Ultimate Olympic Quiz Book's front cover

The Ultimate Olympic Quiz Book


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About the Book

The Olympics are much more than 'citius, altius, fortius' (faster, higher, stronger). They are a canvas on which myriad moments of grit and glory are drawn, and ballads of human endurance, perseverance, comebacks and heartbreaks are writ. The Ultimate Olympic Quiz Book celebrates the indomitable spirit and optimism of the Greatest Show on Earth through quizzes and factoids that encapsulate some of the most fascinating tales of success and failure, and those never-seen-before-or-after moments. From the ancient Olympiads to Coubertin's modern Games; from the lesser-known facts about the Winter Games to India's icons and forgotten heroes, this book has all the answers to every question you might have about the Olympics.

All Editions

ISBN13: 9789350293379
Harper Sport, 2012

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