The Secret Footballer's Guide to the Modern Game's front cover

The Secret Footballer's Guide to the Modern Game

by Anon
Rs 800
Genre:American Football
Language: English
Weight:205 g
Published: 2017

About the Book

The outspoken anonymous author is back with the ultimate book to challenge conventional footballing wisdom. With his trademark wit, intelligence and candour, the Secret Footballer will guide you through formations, tactics, mind games and everything else you need to know about what it takes to be a pro.

The book includes in-depth analysis of modern tactics; insight into the psychology of players on and off the pitch; tips on nutrition and fitness; how to deal with fans (including what it's like to play in each Premier League ground in England); a guide to modern footballing language; and a remarkable exposé of the finances involved in the commercial game. If you want to know how to stop a player like Cristiano Ronaldo, or why exactly Rooney is worth £300,000 a week, or who the greatest player of all time is, you will find it all here.

Fully illustrated with line drawings showing the technical aspects of the game, this will be the perfect gift for aspiring football stars and armchair pundits alike.