The Book of Ichigo Ichie

The Book of Ichigo Ichie

The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way

Rs 960
Language : English
Published: January 30, 2020


Dimensions:5.43 x 7.72 x 0.87 inches
Weight:198.45 g

About the Book

The authors of bestselling Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long Life now reveal a new concept of age-old origin which will transform the lives of millions of readers. Learn to make every moment a once-in-a-lifetime experience with this definitive guide to the Japanese art of ichigo ichie (pronounced itchy-GO itchy-A), from the bestselling authors of Ikigai.

Every moment in our life happens only once, and if we let it slip away, we lose it forever--an idea captured by the Japanese phrase ichigo ichie. Often spoken in Japan when greeting someone or saying goodbye, to convey that the encounter is unique and special, it is a tenet of Zen Buddhism and is attributed to a sixteenth-century master of the Japanese tea ceremony, or 'ceremony of attention', whose intricate rituals compel us to focus on the present moment.

Ichigo-Ichie: The Japanese Art of Living in the Moment is an inspirational work which shows us how to:

* Free ourselves from the past and the future and to make each moment something unique.

* Bring into our lives the Zen that Steve Jobs learned from a Japanese master, and which was key to his success.

* Turn coincidences into a tool for conscious magic.

* Create unforgettable moments in professional and personal circles.

* Improve our relationships with a new type of mindfulness.

* Open the floodgates to the flow of creativity whenever we need it.


The Book of Ichig Iichie will help you find your ikigai.