The Art of Thinking Clearly's front cover

The Art of Thinking Clearly

Rs 640
Language: English
Weight:240 g
Published: March 28, 2013

About the Book

“The Art of Thinking Clearly” is written in simple language. Its excellent story line helps in making important decisions of life. The book contains 99 short chapters that will help in judging the common mistakes made by the people and they learn how to avoid them.

Have you ever:

  • Invested time in something that, with hindsight, just wasn't worth it?
  • Continued doing something you knew was bad for you?
  • Taken credit for success, but blamed failure on external circumstances?


These are few examples of cognitive biases, simple errors we all make in our day-to-day thinking. What’s important is to spot these errors and omit them to make better choices. The book will teach you what all common mistakes a person do in his daily routine and how to avoid those mistakes. Start judging your mistakes and life will go simple. Amazon India offers this book at reasonable rates.