Terminal 4 - An Entrepreneur's Journey from Bicycle to Business Class's front cover

Terminal 4 - An Entrepreneur's Journey from Bicycle to Business Class


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About the Book

"Already a bestseller in India and Australia. The book keep breaking sales records at Mumbai and Perth Airport stores. The book was launched by the Premier of Western Australia at a very unique book launch event at the Western Australian Museum. A second launch event was held inside the WA Parliament., hosted by the President of the Legislative Council and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly."

Migrant, international student, and entrepreneur with a passion for social impact — Nilesh Makwana is an Indian-Australian author, public speaker and also the CEO of a global award-winning business illuminance Solutions. Nilesh was born and brought up in humble surroundings in a small town in Gujarat, India.

Terminal 4 – An Entrepreneur’s Journey from Bicycle to Business Class is a vivid look at Nilesh’s life changing decision to embark on an international student’s journey and beyond. It reflects on the triumphs, challenges, tips, tricks and advice he received along the way.

This book serves as a blueprint on how to succeed at university, maximise your travel experience, build a business, nourish a network, bounce back after a failure, forge your own version of success and achieve your own dreams. The author hopes that by sharing his experiences he might ignite that little spark you need to embark on a journey of your own.

All Editions

ISBN13: 9788195668823

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