Teachings from the Ramayana on Family & Life's front cover

Teachings from the Ramayana on Family & Life

Teachings from the Ramayana on Family & Life's front coverTeachings from the Ramayana on Family & Life's back cover


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From the backcover



With the help of twenty-five stories from the Ramayana, this book offers essential life lessons for a happy family life. Throwing light on real-life scenarios that often perplex us,

Teachings from the Ramayana presents simple ways to negotiate those challenges. From how to effectively deal with negative company to the value of meaningful friendship and the importance of a good guide-this book is packed with ideas,. drawn from the great epic, that you can put to use in your day-to-day life. Through this personal engagement with the Ramayana you can find solutions to life's many problems.

This interactive edition, which includes crossword puzzles and sections for readers to take notes and reflect on their reading experience, poses a set of thought-provoking questions after each life lesson for the whole family to ponder on, as well as reflection exercises to revise and rehearse the lessons.

Delightful and practical, this is a must-read.


All Editions

Paperback, 1st Edition
ISBN13: 9780143461463
Ebury Press, 2023

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