Teach yourself French's front cover

Teach yourself French

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Genre:Learning & Reference
Language: English
Weight:240.97 g
Published: December 31, 2007

About the Book

? This book has been specifically designed for tourists and students who have never had any opportunity to study French, or who, having studied it at school, would like to improve their communicative competence in certain situations of communication. In fact, one of the most difficult linguistic traps that upsets the learner of any foreign language is the use of words or expressions appropriate to a given situation. Hence, much thought has been given in showing the different ways in which the French people express themselves in different situation of communication. The varied expressions used by the speakers depend on their age, intentions, status, profession and the place they happen to be .? In short, the book aims at making the reader self-reliant by providing him with tools necessary for effective communication and interaction.? Contents: General Introduction ? How the Book is Organised ? Guide to Units ? Guide to Pronunciation ? Units ? Reference Section: Vocabulary/Notions ? Grammar Summary ? The French Verb ? Appendices ? Exercises ? Possible Answers. ?