Stress Less Coloring - Mandalas's front cover

Stress Less Coloring - Mandalas 100+ Coloring Pages for Peace and Relaxation

Rs 1102
Language : English
Published: September 04, 2015
Dimensions:8.0 x 9.13 x 0.52 inches
Weight:471.74 g

About the Book

Free your mind with dozens of enlightening mandalas!

For centuries, mandalas have helped those seeking peace and inspiration find balance in their lives.
Now, with Stress Less Coloring: Mandalas, you can use these sacred circles to calm your mind, relieve stress, and manage anxiety in a therapeutic way. Each page encourages you to concentrate on coloring and shading in 100 detailed mandalas. As you use your own unique palette to fill in these designs, you'll be able to feel your focus shift onto something fun and new, releasing any tension you may have felt.

Whether you're new to art therapy or have been coloring for years, this book will show you how to put your mind at ease and foster creativity--one mesmerizing mandala at a time.