Stop Weighting

Stop Weighting

A Guidebook to a Fitter, Healthier You

Rs 639
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Genre:Fitness & Diet
Language : English
Published: October 01, 2022
Dimensions:5.24 x 7.99 x 1.1 inches
Weight:340.19 g

About the Book

Ramya is a film actor from the South and is even more familiarly known as a television anchor, with a career in the entertainment industry spanning over a decade. In recent years, she's carved an increasingly popular presence in the health and fitness space and is a certified fitness and nutrition life coach. Her YouTube channel called 'StayFitWithRamya' has a wonderfully active audience. As a social media influencer, she has a combined following of over 3.5 million across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
During the 2020 lockdown, she began writing a fitness memoir in which she shares her roller coaster of a fitness journey and her encounters working in the media over many years-good, bad and ugly. The book digs deep into those stories, mistakes and life lessons; in short, an authentic story of how her mess became her message. Ramya also discusses the effects of mental health on one's fitness journey, plus her book is extremely approachable and not at all intimidating.