Spiritual Relationships's front cover

Spiritual Relationships From the First Date to D-day

Rs 468
Language: English
Dimensions:5.51 x 7.87 x 1.57 inches
Weight:391.22 g
Published: August 20, 2013

About the Book

Following the immense success of Spiritual Parenting and Spiritual Pregnancy, Gopika Kapoor now presents Spiritual Relationships. This book steers you through the entire process of a romantic relationship, starting with the search for love and the complexities of the dating game to finding love and getting married. But what makes this book different is its perspective: Gopika Kapoor believes that for relationships to be true and lasting, they need to have a spiritual foundation.
The basis of a spiritual relationship lies within the self: you cant understand someone else until you can understand yourself; and you cant truly love someone unless you love yourself. Therefore, the crux of a spiritual relationship with another person is a relationship with yourself!
While this is a profound concept that the author explores in the book, she does it with lightness and humour. She is also realistic, and finds ways to reconcile the spiritual path with everyday living; the result is a practical guide to a spiritual relationship. So, if you are looking for true love, have just been dumped, are wondering if the person you are with is Mr/Miss. Right or are planning the Great Indian Wedding, this book is just what you need!