Shake Puppies's front cover

Shake Puppies

Rs 1583
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Genre:Arts, Photography
Language: English
Published: April 25, 2017
Dimensions:7.0 x 7.8 x 0.5 inches
Weight:447.92 g

About the Book

This highly anticipated follow-up  to the bestselling book Shake features more than 130 photographs of adorable puppies. This brilliant, brightly colored collection truly captures the squishy cuteness of a puppy—its tousled fur, floppy ears, and endearing expression—in the moment when our tiny, wide-eyed companion is mid-shake.

In addition to its vibrant photographs, Shake Puppies includes a message about supporting animal rescue and creating an environment in which all dogs, young or old, can succeed in their new homes. Training tips are included to help dog owners achieve this goal. There is also a roster listing the names and ages of all the dogs featured, as well as a peek into Carli Davidson’s studio.