Resilient Garden's front cover

Resilient Garden

Rs 1432
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Genre:Hobbies & Home
Language: English
Published: September 16, 2012


Dimensions:8.55 x 9.74 x 0.75 inches
Weight:936 g

About the Book

Weather patterns are constantly changing - one year it's an early spring, the next very late, then reports of soaring temperatures and arid land amidst summer flooding and too much cloud cover. And even when it is raining, we still have to be aware of conserving water. From her gardens in the dry heat of Australia and the wet of Hampshire, Marylyn has learnt a lot about plant behaviour and divulges her knowledge in this aptly timed book. She focuses on different types of gardens that work and why, creating a sustainable garden, how to care for resilient plants and create the right conditions - including mulches, composting, plant groupings, and much more. Together with a list of beautiful plants that will 'weather well', this is both a practical and inspirational read.