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फरक–फरक पात्रले फरक फरक विधामा आफूलाई अभिव्यक्त गरेका छन् यसमा — कथा, दैनिकी गीत, मिथक शिलालेख र चित्रले कथा भन्छन् । र यी सबैको प्रदर्शनी हो- रमिते।
"Ramite" which loosely translates as "The spectator" is a fiction by Jason Kunwar which is set to release in 4 sections. It is a storytelling in formats including novel, music, live performances, art and films.The first section which will be the novel (with English translation) is coming out in 2020. Set in a fictional world, "Ramite" is the story of the civilization, societies and human instincts. The peoject involves collaboration between musicians, artists, illustrators, photographers and film makers.
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