Procession of the Dead's front cover

Procession of the Dead

Rs 984
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Language: English
Published: March 03, 2008
Dimensions:6.02 x 9.17 x 0.91 inches
Weight:437 g

About the Book

The first volume in a noirish, gritty urban fantasy for adults from the bestselling Children’s author.

Quick-witted and cocksure, young upstart Capac Raimi arrives in the City determined to make his mark. As he learns the tricks of his new trade from his Uncle Theo – extortion, racketeering, threatening behaviour – he's soon well on his way to becoming a promising new gangster. Then he crosses paths with The Cardinal, and his life changes forever.

The Cardinal is the City and the City is The Cardinal. They are joined at the soul. Nothing moves on the streets, or below them, without the Cardinal's knowledge. His rule is absolute.

As Capac begins to discover more about the extent of the Cardinal's influence on his own life he is faced with hard choices. And as his ambition soars ever higher he will learn all there is to know about loss, and the true cost of ultimate power…