Preamble's front cover

Preamble The Spirit and Backbone of the Constitution of India


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About the Book

This seventh book in the Anundorum Barooah Law Lectures Series provides the reader with a concise overview of the Preamble to the Indian constitution. No reading of any constitution can be complete without reading it from the beginning to the end. While the end may expand, or alter, the point of commencement can never change. It is the Preamble wherefrom the constitution commences. Hence, the significance of the Preamble. It is no exaggeration to say that the Preamble to the constitution of India is its spirit and backbone. Ever since the day it was adopted by the Constituent Assembly it has enabled the Constitution to stand erect- neither bending nor breaking.

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Paperback, 7th Edition
ISBN13: 9789390715022
Eastern Book Company, 2018

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