Power Places of Kathmandu

Power Places of Kathmandu

Rs 1790
Language : English
Published: December 30, 1999
Weight:1338.1 g

About the Book

In Hindu mythology the Himalayas have always been the abode of the gods. The remoteness and inaccessibility of the mountains, their majesty, and the symbolic significance of their immutable mass, have all contributed to their aura of divinity. In the shadow of these mountains lies the Kathmandu Valley, where the Hindu and Buddhist traditions of Nepal, as well as other spiritual traditions such as goddess worship, animism and shamanism, recognize numerous power places - focal points of divine energy - where humans can make contact with the realm of the gods. This book provides an exploration of these fabled sites, 36 of which are illustrated in over 100 large-format colour plates. Examining the diverse religious traditions and spiritual practices that have given rise to these places of worship, the text describes each site in turn, following an order which mirrors some of the routes used by pilgrims through the three Old Kingdoms of Nepal.