One and Two Halves to K2

One and Two Halves to K2

Rs 790
Language : English
Published: February 08, 1996


Dimensions:6.5 x 9.45 x 0.79 inches
Weight:530.7 g

About the Book

In August 1995,just three months after becoming the first woman to reach the summit of Everest alone,unsupported and without artificial oxygen,climber Alison Jane Hargreaves was blown to her death on her descent from the 8611-metre(28,250) summit of "killer mountain" K2.
One and Two Halves to K2 is the story of her husband Jim's trip to Pakistan shortly afterwards with Tom(then 6) and Kate(4) to show them 'Mum's last mountain' and to share with them some of Alison's experiences in the last days of her life. It is a story that is touching,adventurous and revealing,including as it does extracts from Alison's last diaries,recovered after her death by the Pakistan government.