Fairy-tale characters take over New York City in Once Upon a Crime, the fourth installment of the beloved New York Times bestselling Sisters Grimm series by Michael Buckley, featuring illustrations by Peter Ferguson.
For the first time since their parents were kidnapped, Sabrina and Daphne Grimm return to their hometown, New York City, to find Puck’s family. But the fairy-tale detectives get more than they bargained for in the Big Apple: wand-wielding fairy godfathers, swashbuckling Wall Street pirates, subway-stealing dwarfs, and—worst of all—hidden among these urban Everafters, a murderer.
This isn’t the city Sabrina so fondly remembers: the place where she spent happy, normal days with her family. Even her memories of her parents aren’t safe. As the sisters Grimm investigate the death of an innocent Everafter, they learn that their mother kept a secret from them that might lead to the heart of that evil organization, the Scarlet Hand.
Repackaged in paperback with original cover art, these anniversary editions of the beloved Sisters Grimm series are the perfect opportunity for existing fans to revisit the adventures of the Grimm family and for new readers to discover the magic of the series for the first time.
The Sisters Grimm series The Fairy-Tale Detectives The Unusual Suspects The Problem Child Once Upon a Crime Magic and Other Misdemeanors Tales from the Hood The Everafter War The Inside Story Council of Mirrors A Very Grimm Guide: Sisters Grimm Companion