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Request this bookWhen it comes to X-factor, Gotham slams the competition. A restless whirl of deco towers, bright yellow taxis and glittering marquees, this is the place where Warhol meets Frank Lloyd Wright, where Hollywood greats tread Broadway stages, and where unmarked doors lead to dirty martinis and sax. The world may be awash with great cities, but NYC is the juiciest of them all.
Walking tours and day planners
Maps for every neighbourhood, including city pull-out map
Packed with expert travel tips
100% independent advice
Coverage Includes: QuickStart guide, Lower Manhattan. the Financial District, SoHo, Chinatown, East Village, Lower East Side, Greenwich Village, Chelsea, the Meatpacking District, Union Square, Flatiron District, Gramercy, Midtown, Upper East Side, Upper West Side, Central Park, The Best of New York City and Survival Guide.