Nefport 18's front cover

Nefport 18

Edited by Sujeev Shakya

About the Book

NEFPORT is quarterly economic publication docking economic analysis and research. Besides regular macroeconomic updates, NEFPORT has been covering a special section as well.

The first section of this issue provides a general overview of the macroeconomic state of Nepal’s economy. It goes into some depth within each sector and provides an overview of the key stories that have developed over the last quarter. This section also provides a review of the Nepal Budget for 2014 for each sector, as well as an outlook for the next quarter.

The second part of nefport presents an in-depth review of the financial and capital markets, where we provide a detailed analysis and assessment of the performance and figures of banks, financial institutions and capital markets. A Review of Human Development Index 2014 has also been included.