Methodology of Research in Education's front cover

Methodology of Research in Education

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Genre:Teaching Resources & Education
Language: English
Dimensions:10.0 x 7.99 x 1.85 inches
Weight:328.85 g
Published: January 01, 2009

About the Book

Research in every field and more so in the field of education is the demand of the day. Progress in any field is directly linked with research in that field. Our problems and difficulties in the field of education further necessitate a purposeful and sustained research effort. Educational planning has to be based on sound research findings. The researches carried out at other places may also help us in many ways but we cannot always depend on the borrowed and imported stuff. The educational programmes of modern India cannot be run on age-old lines. So long as our research effort in education remains poor we shall continue to be counted as an educationally-backward nation. Educational reform and progress necessitate a dedicated and competent team of research scholars. The present book has been brought out to give scholars another source. It enriches the existing literature by putting most of the relevant material in one place and by providing to the needy student and teacher a compact volume on the subject. The readers will find the language and style of the book readable and acceptable. Dr. Kulbir singh sidhu, M.A. (Maths, Psy.), M.Ed (Gold Medallist), Ph.D, P.E.S (l), is a former Senior Lecturer of Govt. College of Education, Jalandhar, and a former Principal fo MGN, College fo Education, Jalandhar. As a Lecturer he had the opportunity of teaching the subject of Methodology of Research in Education for more than two decades. He guided a large number of M.Ed. and Ph. D. scholars in preparing their theses." A prolific writer, he has to his credit many books including Teaching of Mathematics, Statistics in Education and Psychology, School Organisation and Administration, New Approaches to Measurement and Evaluation etc.