Leaf Storm's front cover
Rs 630
Language: English
Dimensions:5.08 x 7.8 x 0.28 inches
Weight:81.6 g
Published: May 01, 2008

About the Book

Leaf Storm is the popular English title for Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Spanish novella La Hojarasca. It is also the name of a compilation of short stories by him which, apart from this novella, also include A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World, Blacaman the Good, The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship, Vendor of Miracles, The Monologue of Isabel Watching It Rain in Macondo, and Nabo.

Leaf Storm dwells on the death of a person who was vehemently hated by the entire village, but had a close connection to the patriarch of a family in Macondo. The story is about how three people from three generations of that family react to and process this death and all the other aspects surrounding it.

Like many of Marquez’s stories, it begins with a dramatic event and then uses multiple narrators to go back and forth in time to construct the events leading up to it, creating a very compelling and unique narrative. Leaf Storm was published by Penguin UK in 2008. It is available in paperback.

Key Features:

  • This novella is celebrated as the narrative with the first appearance of the fictitious village Macondo, which would later be immortalised in his path-breaking novel One Hundred Years Of Solitude.
  • It features many of the characters and themes, like death, war, solitude, which would later find prominence in the above mentioned book.