Jewel in the Lotus

Jewel in the Lotus

Deeper Aspects of Hinduism

Rs 464
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Language : English
Published: August 01, 2020
Dimensions:5.5 x 8.5 x 0.36 inches
Weight:209.79 g

About the Book

What is Hinduism? What forms its essence and what are its teachings? How does one best practise its various cultural externals? With its vast, ancient literature and deep metaphysics, at the core of which lie the Vedanta Sutras of Vyasa, the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads known together as prasthana traya, Hinduism strives to explore truth and the true nature of reality. Yet the questions remain; how does one practise Hinduism today under the neon glare of modernity? And is there any contradiction in the practice of Hinduism and our roles in modern life? Like the lotus that grows in water whose leaves and petals remain dry, the yogi derives nourishment from the material world but remains undefiled and untouched by its seductions. In this way, one who wishes to lead a spiritual life can simultaneously perform the role of a responsible member of modern society; neither necessarily compromises the other. With care, practice and knowledge one can reap the benefits of both worlds - to b