Infin-Eight: Eight Principles for Infinite Professional Success's front cover

Infin-Eight: Eight Principles for Infinite Professional Success

Rs 400
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Genre:Advice On Careers & Achieving Success
Language: English
Dimensions:5.91 x 8.66 x 0.98 inches
Weight:209.79 g
Published: January 05, 2018

About the Book

What is worse than not having the ability to bring success in one’ s own life? It is having the ability and not being able to use it to bring success in one’ s own life! INFIN-EIGHT is designed as an intensive practical “ work with self” guide to professional success. It brings alive the power of your strengths and synchronizes them to your professional aspirations. It offers a step-by-step approach of aligning the enablers such as relationships, partnerships, habits, and emotional equilibrium to achieve infinite success in the finite space of your life. The book does not stop at giving you ideas or motivating you. It helps you to craft an implementable action plan for your professional success. INFIN-EIGHT takes you on a journey from reading to ideas, from ideas to actions, and from actions to seeing real time results in your work life. What are you waiting for? Let the power of INFIN-EIGHT open the doors of infinite success in your professional life.