I'm a Climate Optimist's front cover

I'm a Climate Optimist An Easy Guide to Lead a Sustainable Life

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Genre:Earth Sciences
Language: English
Dimensions:5.0 x 8.0 x 1.1 inches
Weight:379.88 g
Published: August 15, 2023

About the Book

India's First Carbon Neutral Book Whenever climate change as a topic pops up in a conversation someone ends the conversation with 'What can I do about it?' This book is the answer to those all what can I dos. Covering all the aspects of day-to-day life like food textile transportation tourism beauty home education business etc along with Industry specific expert comments. Climate change is mostly talked about in a very technical language and is full of jargon like "Climate Emergency Carbon Neutral Carbon Positive Net-Zero Below 2°C" which is one of the biggest issues that the majority of people don't understand the problem. This book focuses on simplifying climate change and sustainability so that everyone can understand and take action toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.