See below for English description. Durant l'?t? 1916, Chet Roscow, dix ans, est captiv? par les nouvelles locales. Non loin de sa ville natale, le long de la c?te du New Jersey, un grand requin blanc a attaqu? et a tu? plusieurs personnes. Un jour, alors qu'il nage avec ses amis, Chet voit quelque chose dans l'eau... Lauren Tarshis raconte les ?v?nements les plus terrifiants et les plus passionnants de l'histoire dans cette nouvelle collection de fiction sur la survie. Les lecteurs seront fascin?s!
It's the summer of 1916, and ten-year-old Chet Roscow is just as captivated as everyone else along the Jersey shore by the local a Great White shark has been attacking and killing people up and down the Atlantic coast, not far from Chet's hometown of Springfield, New Jersey. Then one day, swimming with his friends, Chet sees something in the water... Lauren Tarshis brings history's most exciting and terrifying events to life in this new fictional series. Readers will be transported by these stories of amazing kids and how they survived! Original I The Shark Attacks of 1916