Attractive Medha Gujral and renowned filmmaker, Shekhar Kapur, ended their high-profile marriage in a us Hazari divorce court in New Delhi. Bhajan Samrat Anup Jalota had two infamously unsuccessful marriages behind him. When Medha and Anup met, a series of failed relationships and a passion for music was the only common ground between them. But as man and woman, they became inseparable. The arrival of precious baby Aryaman multiplied their happiness. However, this unbridled bliss was rudely truncated when Wedha was diagnosed with a debilitating congenital heart disease in 2000. Since then the Jalotas have seen it all a chordae of her mitral valve cut by mistake in a US hospital, an emergency open-heart surgery, a lifesaving heart transplant and a hospital check-in scheduled in New York on, believe it or not, 9/11 in 2001. But, despite a decade and more of dwindling health, near-encounters with death, emotional oscillations and spiralling medical bills, Anup and Wedha celebrate every moment of their life together. Heartfelt: The Inspirational Story Of Medha Anup Jalota is a living statement of how the mind can baffle, even heal the body, when medical science gives up on you.