Headway English Activity Book 3's front cover

Headway English Activity Book 3

Rs 120
Delivery in 1-3 days
Language: English
Dimensions:7.28 x 9.45 inches

About the Book

This series of activity book is meant to be used as an extension to the exercises with regard to texts, classroom instructions, simplification of tasks and skill development activities. The activities deal mainly with vocabulary and structure. Grammar exercises aim at developing pupils' oral and written communication.
These book are prepared with the idea of reinforcing the items the pupils have learnt in their classroom. Pair-work and group-work activities are highly recommended as these encourage the learners to actively prticipate in the learning process. Some meaningful noise in the classroom may be allowed at times.
Oral discussion before written work is another important activity. Not all the children in s class can be quick learners. The average children need clarification of instruction. Instead of making children do the work mechanically, it is worth saying a few words about the activities they are able to take up.