Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane's front cover

Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane

Rs 1160
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Language: English
Published: January 01, 2005
Dimensions:5.0 x 7.4 x 0.8 inches
Weight:1 g

About the Book

Gregor learns of his role in another Underland prophecy, yet he swears he will never return to that place, but his vow crumbles when his little sister, Boots, is snatched. Gregor knows it is a ploy to lure him to the subterranean world but he gives in and heads back underground, where he is reunited with his bat, Ares, the princess Luxa and new allies. Together, they descend into the deadly Waterway in search of an ominous rat known as Bane, but Gregor must face the possibility of his greatest loss yet and make life and death choices that will determine the future of the Underland.