Anyone familiar with Khushwant Singh s writing will know he was an agnostic. Yet, he had a deep interest in religion and a sound knowledge of religious texts. In Godmen and Godwomen of India, one of his most popular books, Khushwant, in his inimitable style, tackles religion and faith, new cults and new movements, focusing on the epidemic of godmen and godwomen that has swept the nation in recent years. Well-versed in scriptures across religions, ranging from Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, he quotes liberally, and with perfect ease, from the Adi Granth, Adi Sankaracharya, Upanishads, Koran, Bible and other holy books. Quick-witted and razor-sharp in presenting his arguments, Khushwant comments on organized religion and blind faith, throwing light on self-appointed saints, healers and holy men and women, and leaves us to draw our own conclusions.