First Aid Fast for Babies and Children's front cover

First Aid Fast for Babies and Children Emergency Procedures for all Parents and Caregivers

by DK


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About the Book

Do you know what to do if your baby or child falls and cuts their arm? Are you confident to identify when an illness is serious?

First Aid Fast for Babies and Children is a step-by-step guide that helps you treat babies and children for more than 100 conditions and injuries. This book guides you through essential initial care that can prove tremendously important to preserve life and improve the recovery process. The detailed guidelines are accompanied by step-by-step images for clear, easy-to-follow instructions. 

From first aid for cuts and bruises to treating a child who is unresponsive, this book covers all emergency situations that you may face. Clear symbols highlight key areas and draw your attention to areas of concern. The cross-reference boxes on a page take you to associated information regarding the injuries.

This clear and informative guide is ideal for parents, teachers, and primary caregivers to help deal with emergencies. Look after your little people – keep 
First Aid Fast for Babies and Children handy.

All Editions

Paperback, 3rd Edition
ISBN13: 9781465459527
DK, 2017

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