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About the Book

This book has been written mainly to share with others what the Lord has done for me. These pages describe key events from my youth and explain how I grew up in a good home with good parents, in an average family environment. Nearly everything about my early life had been ideal. I had lived in a fairly small town, during what had seemed to be a fairly good period in our nation's history - the fifties and sixties. As I approached my teen years, the future looked bright except for one very important fact. I did not know the Lord as my Savior. Because of that, my whole existence from a spiritual perspective was totally backward and undone. Shortly out of the starting blocks of life, everything for me quickly went awry.

My life did eventually come back into order but only after several years of difficulty and trouble. In the first part of this book, I share some of those troubles along with my finally coming to the Lord. In the second part of this book, I explain how God miraculously turned my whole life around. What He did for me in December 1967 and the months following had so great an impact on me and everything about me that I have not been the same since. In presenting some of my post-conversion experiences, the hope will be that others might also see the genuine joy that comes from knowing and serving God. Hence, this text is not intended to be a work about me and certainly not one in which my goal is to be exalted or credited in any way.

This book is about the Lord, about His mercy and His goodness, and also about how He can and does rescue the perishing. In short, what He has done and continues to do for me, He can and will do for others. May Christ be the One that gets all the honor and glory for what He has done and continues to do in the hearts and lives of those that trust Him.

The second edition of this book was written to clean up some of the poorly worded statements in the first edition and to show important Bible verses rather than just refer to them.

All Editions

ISBN13: 9781491046241
Createspace, 2013

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