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Contact us for further queries.This indispensable reference guide, first published in 1997and now in its fourth edition, has been fully updated toreflect current, important changes in Canadian law. Every Canadian’sGuide to the Law unfolds in a clear, accessible “cradle-to-grave” format, addressing issues from fetal rights to humanrights, from teen sexuality to marriage and divorce, fromworkplace issues to will and estate issues. Linda Silver Dranoffprovides insight into the process of law and how it responds tochanging social values, revealing how laws evolve over time andpointing to future trends.
The new edition addresses important legal developments,including significant changes to family law―from stricterrules against non-disclosure and non-payment to tough ordersagainst parental alienation, from revised pension-sharing rulesto the novelty of three or more support-paying parents forsome children. This encyclopedic guide elucidates new rightsfor the self-employed, drastic changes to retirement rules, lawsagainst identity theft, dramatic changes to criminal law sentencingand upgraded protections for children, and more. Asthe number of self-represented litigants continues to grow, theneed for an easy-to-understand and comprehensive guide toCanadian law has never been greater.
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