Company We Keep

Company We Keep

Insights Into Indian Corporate Culture

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Language : English
Published: May 07, 2023


Dimensions:7.87 x 9.84 x 1.97 inches
Weight:388.39 g

About the Book

There are many challenges facing business corporations today-the pandemic we have barely moved on
from, economic recession, rapid changes in consumer behaviour and technological
and competitive disruptions. These challenges stick out like the visible tip of an iceberg, while culture, the biggest challenge, is like the slow-moving, gigantic mass that lurks deep under the surface. We cannot deal sufficiently with superficial problems if we do not understand the depths that drive them.

'Culture eats strategy for breakfast' is a widely accepted saying in the business world, often attributed to Peter Drucker. This is as true for corporate India as it is for its consumers. Yet, we spend more time
and money studying our consumers and their cultures than we do ourselves.

The Company We Keep is a market research-based exploration of Indian corporate culture. It looks beyond the glamour and jargon of the business world to individual stories that share real personal insights into the aspirations, vulnerabilities, pressures and possibilities of corporate careers and lives. These are
urgent conversations we need to keep having as we reflect, review and decide where we can go from here.