Chitra: A Play in One Act's front cover

Chitra: A Play in One Act

Rs 160
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Language: English
Dimensions:5.5 x 8.5 x 0.1 inches
Weight:140 g
Published: July 21, 2021

About the Book

ChitraART thou the god with the five darts, the Lord of Love?MadanaI am he who was the first born in the heart of the Creator. Ibind in bonds of pain and bliss the lives of men and women!ChitraI know, I know what that pain is and those bonds.-And who artthou, my lord?VasantaI am his friend-Vasanta-the King of the Seasons. Death anddecrepitude would wear the world to the bone but that I followthem and constantly attack them. I am Eternal Youth.ChitraI bow to thee, Lord Vasanta.MadanaBut what stern vow is thine, fair stranger? Why dost thou witherthy fresh youth with penance and mortification? Such a sacrificeis not fit for the worship of love. Who art thou and what is thyprayer?