China Tibet and Nepal's front cover

China Tibet and Nepal

Rs 250
Language: English
Weight:150 g
Published: 2018

From the backcover


An Account of Relationships with China and Tibet

How a Chinese Buddhist monk returning from his pilgrimage to India gave measurement of Nepal's boundaries, its length and breadth, for the first time.

 Account of 18th century Nepal's two wars with Tibet, bilateral trade and the trading routes Nepal provided to India and Mongolia being the causes of the conflicts. 

How China's imperial army commandeered by no other than Emperor Qianlong's son-in-law led a military expedition to Nepal to be held back in battlefields by Nepalese soldiers just short of five kilometres to then fabled Kathmandu Valley. 

How on Tibet government's request the Chinese imperial army came over to Tibet to help Tibet fight its war against Nepal. With the war over, only the Chinese commander returned to Peking, while some 5,000 troops of the imperial army stayed on in Tibet, ostensibly to provide security to the Chinese ambans there. The book discusses how it all began, or the very genesis of, China's alleged occupation of Tibet. By soliciting help from China to fight the war against Nepal, had Tibet committed a blunder, rather unwittingly? 

Baburam Acharya wrote the book when Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai visited Nepal in 1957. 

One of his most popular books, it was published in Nepali language in the year 2002. 

Chinese historians have their own accounts of the Nepal-China war. British historians too have their versions though in most the details have been found to be just sketchy. Here a Nepali historian gives granular details of the fighting that took place on the banks of the Betravati River in Nepal.