Captivate's front cover

Captivate The Science of Succeeding with People

Rs 960
Genre:Business Self Help, Psychology
Language: English
Published: 2018

About the Book

Do you feel awkward at networking events? Do you wonder what your date really thinks of you? Do you wish you could decode people? You need to learn the science of people.
As a human behavior hacker, Vanessa Van Edwards created a research lab to study the hidden forces that drive us. And she’s cracked the code. In Captivate, she shares shortcuts, systems, and secrets for taking charge of your interactions at work, at home, and in any social situation. These aren’t the people skills you learned in school. This is the first comprehensive, science backed, real life manual on how to captivate anyone—and a completely new approach to building connections.
Just like knowing the formulas to use in a chemistry lab, or the right programming language to build an app, Captivate provides simple ways to solve people problems. You’ll learn, 

  • The Social Game Plan: Every party, networking event and social situation has a predictable map – discover how to work a room and the sweet spot for making the most connections. (Hack #1)
  • The 7 Microexpressions: Learn how to decode the 7 universal facial expressions and how they can be used to predict people’s emotions. (Hack #6)
  • The Death of Small Talk: All conversations can be hacked—if you know how certain words generate dopamine in the people you meet. (Hack #3)
  • The Triple Threat: What’s the social equivalent of being a superstar? I’ll tell you it has nothing to do with singing (thank goodness), but it does build trust, charisma and rapport. (Hack #2)
  • Thread Theory: Want to be socially attractive? This little hack will change the way you interact so you never run out of things to say. (Hack #5)
  • Speed-Reading: Wish you could hone your intuition? Learn the science of speed-reading and be able to uncover personality traits of anyone from clients to dates to bosses. (Hack #7)
  • The Appreciation Matrix: We all know the power of acknowledgement, but how do we really use it? This science will blow your social mind. (Hack #8)
  • The Art of Storytelling: Always wish you could captivate a room? Tell a great story? There is a formula to the perfect story and it is easy to hack. (Hack #10)
  • The Science of Popularity: What really makes someone popular? How can you leverage what science has uncovered about popularity? (Hack #14)

When you understand the laws of human behavior, your influence, impact, and income will increase significantly. What’s more, you will improve your interpersonal intelligence, make a killer first impression, and build rapport quickly and authentically in any situation—negotiations, interviews, parties, and pitches. You’ll never interact the same way again.


Skills You Will Learn in Captivate:

  • How to work a room  (Chapter 1)
  • How to make a lasting first impression  (Chapter 2)
  • How to give the perfect handshake  (Chapter 2)
  • How to push someone’s hot buttons (Chapter 3)
  • How to decode the face (Chapter 6)
  • How to take the perfect selfie (Chapter 6)
  • How to stop being boring (Chapter 8)
  • How to be a great story teller (Chapter 10)
  • How to empower people (Chapter 11)
  • How to be socially attractive (Chapter 12)
  • How to say no (Chapter 13)