ALIVE! Lifestyle Changes to Age-Proof Your Mind and Body's front cover

ALIVE! Lifestyle Changes to Age-Proof Your Mind and Body


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About the Book

"‘It’s not about the years, it’s about what you put in the years.’ We live much longer today than our ancestors did, thanks to modern medicine. Yet, building a society with a healthy life expectancy has become our greatest challenge. In ALIVE! Lifestyle Changes to Age-Proof Your Body nutritional therapist Rachna Chhachhi shares a holistic living plan that can help slow down the ageing process and fend off disease. Focused on building daily healthy habits, this diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management programme follows four steps: 1. Eliminate what harms you 2. Incorporate what repairs you 3. Stabilize your body and mind 4. Sustain this new lifestyle Alive! is essential reading in a post-COVID-19 world, where an integrated approach towards strengthening our immune system has become even more critical."

All Editions

ISBN13: 9789390351893
HarperCollins India, 2021

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