About the Book
This volume contains the revised lecture notes corresponding to the lectures given at the 6th International School on Advanced Functional Programming, AFP 2008, held in Heijen, a little village in the woodlands near the city of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 19-24, 2008. AFP 2008 was co-located with TFP 2008, the 9th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming [see P. Achten,P.Koopman,M.Marazan ' : Trends in Functional Programming volume 9, ISBN 978-1-84150-277-9,Intellect]. The school attracted 62 participants from 19 countries, a record, including the lecturers and organizers. This event was precededby?veearlierinstancesinB? astad,Sweden(1995,LNCS925),Olympia, WA, USA (1996, LNCS 1129), Braga,Portugal(1998, LNCS 1608), Oxford, UK (2002, LNCS 2638) and Tartu, Estonia, (2004, LNCS 3622). The goals of the series of Advanced Functional Programming schools are: - Bringing computer scientists, in particular young researchers and progr- mers, up to date with the latest functional programming techniques. - Showinghowtouseadvancedfunctionalprogrammingtechniquesin"progr- ming in the real world". - Bridgingtheeducationalgapbetweenresultspresentedatconferencesonthe one side and material as presented in introductory textbooks on the other side.