'Ranahar' wins Madan Puraskar 2075

Ranahar, a historical fiction by Yogesh Raj has won the Madan Puraskar for the year 2075. The book was published in June 2018 by Nepalaya.

Madan Puraskar Guthi had announced last month that the seven books - Ekadeshma, Okkal Dokkal Pipal Paat, Gya, Faatsung, Mareechika, Ranahar, and Bicharko Laas were shortlisted for the award among the 257 submissions made in 2075.

Ranahar‘ is a fictionalized account based on a historic portrayal of the last Malla king Ranajeet. The novel has been titled Ranahar meaning defeat in war. Ranahar unfolds the stories of Bhaktapur’s last Malla King, Ranajeet, how he was defeated by Gorkhali King Prithvi Narayan Shah. The novel also elaborates on events leading to defeat and ultimate surrender by Mallas to the Gorkhali King. The novel has been compiled and narrated in plain language to make readers experience an era in Nepal’s history.

Madan Puraskar also announced that Bairagi Kaila (Til Vikram Nembang) is to be awarded the 'Jagadamba Shree - 2075'. The awards will be presented on September 29, 2019, the day of Ghatasthapana.

आज बसेको मदन पुरस्कार गुठीको साधारण सभाले यस वर्षको जगदम्बा-श्री बैरागी काइँलाज्यूलाई तथा मदन पुरस्कार 'रणहार' पुस्तकका लागि योगेश राजलाई अर्पण गर्ने निर्णय गर्यो। pic.twitter.com/ChO7nzvWWF

— Madan Puraskar (@MadanPuraskar) August 18, 2019