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About the Book

The book is a diary of Narayan Subedi, a teacher based in Rolpa which he maintained during the 100 days he was held hostage by the insurgents. His psychological fight for survival was the motivation behind this book. Subedi was taken by the Maoists from his home in Gajul village of Rolpa. He was assured to be returned in a few hours. It was only after a long time did Subedi realize he was taken hostage. During the 100 days in Maoist captivity, he was transferred to many detention sites. Every time he was relocated to a new place, he would be weary of his survival until he reached the next detention house. He felt death was roving around him all the time. Living through this uncertainty, he decided to write his story.

पछिल्लो बाहिरी पृष्ठबाट

२०३० सालदेखि शिक्षण पेशामा लागेका नारायण सुवेदीको जन्म र कर्म भूमि रोल्पा हो । २०३६ देखि २०४३ साल भदौसम्म लिवाङको बालकल्याण माविमा प्रधानाध्यापक रहेका उनी २०४३ साल असोजयता गजुलको जनज्योति मावि र त्यसपछि उच्च माविमा त्यही जिम्मेवारीमा छन् । द्वन्द्वकालमा आफू माओवादीद्वारा अपहरित हुँदादेखि मुक्त गरिँदासम्मको एक सय दिनका अनुभवहरू उनले यो पुस्तकमा दैनिकीका रूपमा प्रस्तुत गरेका छन् ।

आवरणमा छापिएको घर लेखकलाई माओवादीले थुनेका मध्येको एउटा हो ।


साँझ परेपछि भोलिको बिहान र बिहान भएपछि साँझ देख्न पाइने हो वा होइन भन्ने अविच्छिन्न त्रास अनि एउटा बन्दीगृहबाट निकालिएपछि अर्को बन्दीगृहमा पुयाइने हो कि होइन भन्ने निरन्तरको भय र भोगाइलाई केही दिनपछि मैले अक्षरहरूमा रूपान्तरण गर्न थालें ।

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ISBN13: 9789937829090
Publication Nepalaya, 2012