Kalulai Sirjeeko Sambodhan's front cover

Kalulai Sirjeeko Sambodhan

कालुलाई सरजीको सम्बोधन


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पुस्तकको बारेमा

लेखक मिलन रिजाल नेपाली तथा अङ्ग्रेजी साहित्य क्षेत्रमा कलम चलाउँदै आएका छन् । पेशाले उनी शिक्षक हुन् भने उनी समाजसेवी तथा संगीतकर्मीको रुपमा समेत परिचित छन् ।

यस कवितासङ्ग्रहमा कविले आफ्नो मुटु नजिकको खास पात्र "कालु" लाई सम्बोधन गरेका छन् । यस सङ्ग्रहमा प्रेमका गाथा, अटुट नाता, बिछोडका पीडा, मिलनको आशा, आदि भावको मिश्रण पाइन्छ ।

About the Book

This book is the collection of the beautiful poems addressed to a gorgeous character 'Kalu'. It includes the themes of love, tragedies, hope for reconciliation, social awareness, and patriotism. The romantic poems are mostly loved by the youngsters. The soothing music composed upon these love and tragic literary pieces are also equally popular among the young audience.

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