Government Zero's front cover

Government Zero

Rs 3344
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Genre:Social Science, Textbook
Language: English


Dimensions:6.0 x 9.25 x 1.0 inches
Weight:567 g
Published: October 29, 2015

About the Book

What happened to America? Savage believes there are crucial issues that have compromised our great nation and that citizens must recognize these problems in order to stand up and solve them. In Savage's words, "Our survival depends on this." In this book, Savage compiles 100 fundamental issues that America is facing today. Some key issues include our transformation into a welfare state, our inability to defeat Islamo-fascists and our welcoming of illegal aliens. He says, "I pray that we elect people that can implement as many of these critical issues as possible for I know that if we do, our great nation will provide the American Dream to its hard working citizens and we will endure as the greatest nation the world has ever known."